terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014

Alfons Maria Cardinal Stickler's Letter - preface to the French 2004 re-print of the Ottaviani Intervention

This has got to be the cherry on the cake - it doesn't get much better than this - Cardinal admits the New Mass and the reforms were a disaster. The translation is given first, the French original is given below....
Alfons M. Card. Stickler S.D.B.
Vatican City, November 27, 2004
Dear Friends,
You wish to issue a new edition of the celebrated Short Critical Study of the New Order of Mass of Cardinals Ottaviani & Bacci.
I can only fervently encourage you in this and I bless your undertaking that it might result in making this important text known to a greater number.
Indeed, the analysis of the “Novus Ordo” made by these two eminent cardinals has lost none of its value nor, unfortunately, its timeliness.
As a member of the preparatory commissions and an expert in liturgy at the Second Vatican Council, I myself lived through the profound upheavals which followed the liturgical reform.
The decree Sacrosanctum Concilium would seem to suggest a reform in the bosom of the Catholic Church, and not an upheaval accompanied by a hasty fabrication of new rituals. These innovations opened the way too much for those who, perhaps without consciously willing it, would allow, as our pope Paul VI said, “the smoke of Satan” to enter the Church.
The results of the reform are judged by many today to be devastating. This was the merit of Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci to discover very quickly that the radical modification of the rites resulted in a fundamental change of doctrine.
Fortunately, the latin roman Mass so-called of St Pius V has never been forbidden: priests and faithful can always draw from the source of the Lex orandi (law of praying) and in this way live faithfully the Lex credendi (law of believing).
It is, therefore, praiseworthy and useful, as you plan, to make heard once again, 35 years afterwards, the voice of these two princes of the Church, defenders of doctrine, catholic Tradition and the Papacy.
Be assured, dear friends, of my paternal blessing and of my prayers at the tomb of St. Peter.
Alfons M. Card. Stickler


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